
Canada welcomes thousands of newcomers every year and celebrates their contribution to the workforce. Being able to speak the language plays an important role in finding a job. Most people find it helpful to learn the language first before looking for a job. Your first year in Canada is a good time to focus on improving your English or French. There are free, or low cost, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults offered by local school boards, settlement agencies as well as some churches.

Looking for a job can be challenging. Your credentials or education from your home country might not be recognized here. Find out what steps you need to take to work in your area of training here in Canada. You might also want to consider working in an area that is different from what you did in your home country.

Connections through family and friends is a good way to find job opportunities. Local settlement agencies can also assist in your job search by helping you prepare a Canadian style resume and showing you where to find job postings.

This section includes information on how to look for a job, training programs offered by the government, how to write a resume, links to job opportunities and where to find support during your job search.

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